Below is a quick list of my favorite writing tools. I’m on the Apple ecosystem, and many of my tools are exclusive to Mac only.
- Writing: Ulysses or Apple Pages
- Collaborative Writing: ButterDocs
- Screenwriting: Highland (I’ve used this to write novels and love it. I’m just anxiously awaiting their iPad version, as that’s my preferred writing device)
- Collaborative Screenwriting: Studio Arc
- Brainstorming : Milanote or Freeform
- Story Bible/Notes: Bear Notes
- Apple Notes is a great free alternative to Bear; the main reason I use Bear is because I write in Markdown, which Apple Notes doesn’t support (I also love that Bear lets you change your font styling)
Sometimes you just can’t beat pen on paper. I used to be entirely digital because I can type so much faster because I write, but I’ve been dabbling
- Fountain Pen: Montblanc Meisterstück Gold Coated (40th birthday gift)
- Fineliner Pen: Tom’s Studio Lumos, Rose Gold (Christmas gift)
- We also have Le Pen Technical Drawing Pens all over our apartment. I know they say “drawing,” but I love them for writing, so does Mr. Layne
- Purse Notebook: Sterling Ink, N2
- A5 Notebook: Le Cahier by Rosie Papetrie and Midori Grid Ruled
I have strong negative feelings about Microsoft Word. Writing should be beautiful, but Word somehow manages to diminish the beauty of the written word. But if that’s the app you have, that’s the app you should use.
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